Harvest Survival Food - Champ - Comfort Food Extraordinaire!

Champ is an Irish dish that I have loved since childhood. The most important things to remember when making champ are cooking the scallions (green onion) in milk and adding LOADS and LOADS of butter when the potatoes are mashed and then adding MORE butter to the champ when it's on your plate. The recipe  below does not have measurements because this is something you must taste as you go. It should be salted, buttery and infused with a subtle scallion flavour. 



1 or 2 bunches of scallions

Gobs of Butter

Salt and Pepper to taste

Chop scallions and place in a pot, cover with milk and simmer but don't boil.

Meanwhile boil potatoes, drain and mash. Add a lot of butter to the mash and add the scallions with slotted spoon, adding some milk if necessary, but don't make the mash too wet. Salt and pepper to taste, adjust butter and salt until it tastes  buttery and nicely salted. :)

To serve, fill a large dinner plate with a huge pile of champ, make a small depression or well in the centre of the potatoes, add butter to the well, melt and mix the butter into the champ. Wow! It's delish!!!!

Note: Leftover champ is great for making amazing potato farls (pancakes).  

PS. It's really hard for me to look at this photo. I want some NOW! Confessions of a champ addict. 


From Wikipedia: 

Champ (brúitín in Irish) is an Irish dish,[1] made by combining mashed potatoes and chopped spring onions with butter andmilk, and optionally, salt and pepper.[2] It is simple and inexpensive to produce. In some areas the dish is also called "poundies".[citation needed]

Champ is similar to another Irish dish, colcannon, which uses kale or cabbage in place of scallions.

The word champ has also been adopted into the popular Hiberno-English phrases, to be "as thick as champ", meaning to be stupid, and to be "as ignorant as champ at a wedding", meaning to be uncultured or boorish (champ being a common everyday dish, not one befitting a banquet celebration).[citation needed]